Join us for the DraCor Summit in Berlin from 1 until 4 September 2025. Brought to you by Freie Universität Berlin and University of Potsdam, this four-day event will bring together researchers in computational literary studies, cultural analytics and adjacent fields to present and discuss their research and corpus projects.

DraCor – short for Drama Corpora – is a digital ecosystem dedicated to the study of drama from antiquity to the 20th century. The multilingual community project follows the principles of open science and currently hosts 28 drama corpora with a total of over 4,000 annotated full texts of plays in 22 languages. It is the basis for a very vibrant research landscape around the computational research of drama corpora. Since the beginning of 2024, more than 40 monographs and scientific articles have been published worldwide that work with DraCor data.

The DraCor Summit aims to provide an overview of the current state of an important field of computational literary studies and a space for the exchange of experiences. Various formats will be offered for this purpose, ranging from workshops, lectures, discussion rounds through to hackathon sessions. There is no registration fee for the conference. For researchers without their own funding, there is also the option of applying for a bursary.

The four days will focus on different areas:

  • On Monday, 1 September 2025, there will be DraCorOS Training Sessions on topics such as corpus building in the context of DraCor and working with the DraCor API. You can register for these sessions during the general registration for the DraCor Summit.
  • On Tuesday, 2 September 2025, the first DraCor Corpus Conference will take place. There will be presentations on the achievements and challenges of building and maintaining individual corpora. All current and future corpus maintainers are invited to report on their work, see the corresponding call for papers.
  • On Wednesday, 3 September 2025, there will be a Computational Drama Analysis Workshop, focusing on latest advances in computational and quantitative methods for the study of drama. Please note the corresponding call for papers.
  • On Thursday, 4 September 2025, the DraCor Barcamp will provide the framework for an open, participant-driven unconference where you can help shape the agenda. You can register for the Barcamp during the general registration for the DraCor Summit.

Venue: The DraCor Summit will take place at Freie Universität Berlin.

General registration for the DraCor summit will be opened in May.

Local Organisers: Julia Jennifer Beine, Ingo Börner, Frank Fischer, Luca Giovannini, Carsten Milling, Antonio Rojas Castro, Mark Schwindt, Daniil Skorinkin, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje, Peer Trilcke, Laura Untner.


[EXC2020 logo] Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy in the context of the Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective – EXC 2020 – Project ID 390608380.

[OSCARS logo] The DraCor Summit ist co-organised by the project »DraCorOS. Fostering Open Science in Digital Humanities«. We acknowledge the OSCARS project, which has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101129751.

[Freie Universität logo] In cooperation with the Chair of Digital Humanities at Freie Universität Berlin.

[Uni Potsdam logo] In cooperation with the Network for Digital Humanities at University of Potsdam.